Those Little Moments with Friends

Not a lot of people want to hang out with their friends unless they are out doing something….whether it is bowling, eating, coffee dates, etc. The true intimate moments are when you guys are not doing something. Usually when you guys are sitting there, not doing anything. You are forced to talk….and after a bit of chit chat….it leads to the hopes, fears, and dreams of the person, and it gets deeper and deeper. That is the true beauty of friendships; when you are talking and communicating and learning about that person. Your friendship grows that way. 

Last night, we all went out to eat at Applebee’s and of course, pigged out. We all were trying to figure out where we were going to go afterwards and what to do, but Emily needed her cigarettes so we just drove back to her car so she could smoke. We ended up sitting in the parking lot for an hour, talking, goofing off, etc. And? I honestly had a lot of fun just sitting there and talking. It was very relaxed and we were all getting closer as friends. So, now I realize, I do not need to always go out with my friends. Sitting there and just relaxing is just as fun as going to see a movie, karaoke, etc.Â